Fallout 4 – Let’s Play Ep 32 – Move your Skinny Winged @$$
MyriadMike & Lyitcun talk about outlast while they try to complete this escort mission.
MyriadMike & Lyitcun talk about outlast while they try to complete this escort mission.
Disclaimer – Some Audio Peaks
MyriadMike, TheSherMANator, IceManJones & Lyitcun find their new location to have a chilling welcome
Song – ReMix: Shovel Knight ‘Catch Me’
ReMixer(s): RoeTaKa
Composer(s): Jake Kaufman, Manami Matsumae
Song(s): Main Theme, The Requiem of Shield Knight
Lyitcun, MyriadMike & Whiskey find it difficult to deal with bitchy people. Why can’t we all just get along?
MyriadMike & Lyitcun get some sad news in this episode.. It has to do with the all mighty Weasel Gun. Sad day indeed… Would you pay 30 bucks for a set of 3 pins like they display in the loading menus?
MyriadMike, Lyitcun, & Whiskey see if a smaller team can defuse more bombs… MyriadMake takes up the defusal as his life is the other two’s hands.