Drunken Gamers Episode 8 – Pilotwings (SNES)
I know I missed last weeks so here is Episode 8, I make no promises with the holiday week coming up but I hope to have you another episode next Monday!
I know I missed last weeks so here is Episode 8, I make no promises with the holiday week coming up but I hope to have you another episode next Monday!
My normal schedule allows me to edit and create a new video every week, but last week me and my wife were very busy and dealing with certain things. So please forgive me as I did not get to this weeks episode of Drunken Gamers. However I will be looking forward to putting one up Monday of next week!
Lyitcun plays Giants Citizen Kabuto, which seems to lead him on a strange journey in a stranger land.
Myriadmike, Scare and CHRIS watch.. in horror and will fear the WATER!!