Fallout 4 – Let’s Play Ep 23 – Am i glowing?
Myriadmike & Lyitcun start the journey through the glowing sea… Do I have a third arm now?
Myriadmike & Lyitcun start the journey through the glowing sea… Do I have a third arm now?
MyriadMike, Lyitcun, TheSherMANator & Riibob continue their game of fortune street. Bianca works her corner… but nobodys buying…
Please stop in and check out Riibob’s Channel AwkwardMuch!
Myriadmike & Lyitcun we make to the outskirts of the glowing sea finally.. embarrassing how long it took…
Lyitcun plays some Monstrum as MyriadMike, Scar, TheSherMANator and Cox sit in. Mystery and other things… await!
Myriadmike & Lyitcun finally achieve one of their goals, and start a journey to the sea.